Saturday, August 29, 2015

Hillary for Pres

I really believe Hillary Rodham Clinton is the best candidate for this job! I know all you haters will not agree with my statement, and that's ok, because everybody is entitled to their opinion. This is just mine. Hillary Clinton is a women who has been through a lot. Personally and Professionally. The heartbreak of her husbands scandal while he was in office, must have been so hard for her! But she kept silent for the sake of his office, and possibly her own bid for it. Then theirs the Secretary of State for President Obama, and Congresses treatment of her for things that happened on her watch. So I believe all these things have more than prepared her for the job of President. She's tough but fair, and knows how to play politics. Yep she's the right one for the job, plus she's a Mother and Grandmother. We can trust her!!!

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