Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Ahhhh Jeb Bush...

All in all I think Governor Bush was way more intelligent then I expected him to be. And only because of family relatives did I think he was unintelligent. And yes, absolutely I know that is QUITE unfair of me, but family history is family history. And also I hadn't really met this one yet, at least not properly. Maybe a news blurb about our 2016 Politics and elections. But because I don't live in Florida, nor ever have, I just didn't know him at all. He seems like a nice man, which is always important to me in a politician, 2016 variety or not. Jimmy Carter was a nice man. Trying to think of another off hand right now, and can't really. Still the Governor seems a nice man. He also seems way better able to answer questions on the spur of the moment the his brother. Mr. Bush is well-spoken and definitely informed! I applaud you Sir! CourseSmart Shop Now Free Shipping at Moosejaw.com

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